Early Beginnings: Ideation

Sep 12, 2021 01:39PM


I began ideating by capturing my thoughts over a week and by reflecting on them through freewriting sessions. My mind wanderend through a range of themes such as escape and exploration or vulnerability and strength.

These contrasting themes kept popping up at random places or experiences and in the things I tell myself. I’d promptly jot these down onto my note app (which has A LOT of random things). It came from the conversations I had, the things I felt, the music I heard, and the people I saw.

Some phrases and words that were put down included:

Despite having alwasy wanted to become a product designer, the pattern I noticed the past week was that IF I had to pick a project that I would live and breathe, it would be somthing that had to do with people and experiences.

From these prompts, I started to freewrite, where my mind gravitated towards poems and rhymes.

It is the contrasting feeling —

That begins when your mind is reeling,
and you find yourself sinking — drowning;
Then buoyancy takes hold with no ill will.
Suspended - the water holds you still.

Opposites —

Oil and water push each other apart,
Magnetisms cause opposites to attract,
But yin and yang tell us that together or apart,
It’s the way things work as one that matters

Diving Deeper.

Diving further into these ideas, I looked back at things that had inspired me once, in the form of TedTalks, topics generally intersected under a few different categories: the mind, connection, overcoming, learning, and happiness.

Breaking things down

Now that I am only beginning to form an idea, I am taking inspiration from multiple places, and I break each one down below.

Psychology and the Mind

I take inspiration from psychology and the mind because this is one of the things that connect us all. Understanding this allows us to further understand people, how they percieve, and how to create and design for them.

Empathy and Connection

I take inspiration from empathy and connection because in a world where everybody is connected yet feels disconnected, we are tied together with invisible strings; I want to better understand why this is so easily forgotten; even in households. I want to explore deepening connections in ways people understand each other


Culture explores how people diverged in the ways they adapt. It gives us a more nuinaced understanding of the way people behave and it gives us another opportunity to diversify and connect.


Indecision and the illusion of choice face our generation. Growth is the one constant. I want to be able to explore how people grow, change, and identify what matters to them.

Creativity, Design, and Art

This is mostly for personal inspiration; but at the same time it allows me to envision the ways different creative mediums are utilizied and what they can be capable of changing.

Getting more specific

Over the next weeks I hope to gain more specific ideas of a project I can actualized; but I know I have a better understanding of the themes and interactions I want to explore.

At the moment, my ideas are divided into concepts relating to physical vs digital or a combination of both:

I hope to design for people on opposite ends; with less focus on a specific type of person but more of a focus on exploring how to bridge the gaps between people. For the purpose of ideation and development; I will have 2 target audiences from 2 different upbringings or generations.