December 12

Dec 12, 2021 08:19PM


I was able to add an option in the code that allowed the user to easily switch between chord sequences (Current options include C major and notes from Canon in D). This is done by customizing the css of radio buttons. Additionally, I have uploaded this code to github . This allows me to run the program through the internet via browser from this link: .


For power, I ended up soldering the battery wires to wired that connected to female ends that fit the pins of the nano. This way, everything was removable.


To present the product, I ended up creating a velcro strap from cotton fabric, elastic, and velcro. I made it so that the pouch that held the battery and arduino nano could be removable.

The second iteration of this came from an exercise strap thing that was already designed to strap onto the body. My mom told me to break it apart and use that strap instead since it was no longer in use. I then created the second iteration from this, which is more sturdily built.


Overall, the people I tested it with had fun with it, especially my niece Rayden. We all concluded that it was pretty consistent in reproducing certain sounds that came from certain moves, but that it was better for slower or continual movements as opposed to rapid-acceleration movements; which is as expected because I was unable to code the part that handled rapid acceleration.



Beyond the project itself, I also started working on the other deilverables such as the: