Analysis x Graphs.
To organize options and ideas more clearly, I started analysing sound and movement in more detail.
For sound, I created a Spotify Playlist and filtered through songs that will serve as ‘pegs’ for the sound I wish to create with movement:
For movement, I tried to factor in combinations of footwork and how this could affect how the data is read (this is more for me too in terms of setting and identifying the threshold for each movement in code.)
below are notes I have an ideas for how to proceed with research:
To-Do: Tone.js x arpeggiator
I could loop sounds into arpeggios so that it is not a single sound; in this case there would be a bit less control.
To-Do: Chord Progressions
Alternatively, I could utilize chord progressions instead of arpeggios in order to add cohesion to the sound being produced.
Idea: Drum Sequences
An idea I took note of was if I could utilize a certain motion to loop through certain chord progressions or drum sound arrays in order to change the sound drastically. It would be like: sound set 1: [1, 2, 3, 4] sound set 2: [1, 2, 3, 4]